Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dress to Sunsuit Refashion

A couple of years ago, I bought this fabric and made a little sundress for the Peanut.  I was early in my sewing, and instead of actually making straps or anything fancy, i used ribbon.  I did use the excess fabric to make a diaper cover (which is nothing to write home about—you won’t see any close-up pictures of it.)100_6286 Here is the Peanut in the dress.  She was such a cute little baby! (I think she’s 12 months in these pictures).100_9027    100_9049

A glimpse of the diaper cover:100_9054.

Then along came the Little Miss, whose sizes—and seasons—didn’t match up with her sister’s.  She was able to fit into the dress this summer, though it was longer than it had been on her sister.  Also, since she’s four months younger, she’s not cruising and spends her days crawling.  Dresses are not so conducive to crawling.  I found this tutorial of how to make a sunsuit, and decided to refashion the dress into a sunsuit.  Easy peasy—I just needed to make the bottom of the skirt into legs.  I learned how to attach snaps, shirred the leg openings, and made nice straps for variety.  Here’s the Little Miss, showing it off:DSC_0710

When I get a chance, I’ll add a picture of the garment sans baby.

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