Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I love to craft and create, but have found that I have a short attention span. After having my second child, I found that my attention span isn't the only thing that limits my craft time, and gravitate toward crafts that I can complete in the time span of one nap. I find a lot of joy in making things, so I'm always on the lookout for new things I can make with this limited time (and, really, limited effort too).

There's already a lot of great tutorials out there, so I don't plan to reinvent the wheel, but I'll link to the best ones that I've found.  Sometimes things I make turn out; sometimes they don’t.  I can sew enough to make things for myself (thank you, Mom, and seventh-grade Home Ec), but am not patient (or learned) enough to be a seamstress who could sell things.  Practice helps me improve, though, and I’m almost confident enough to make things for friends.  Almost.

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