So I had this shirt which, being from Old Navy, lasted almost an entire season. In fairness, I was nursing a newborn when I wore it, so it got a lot more wear and tear than a shirt belonging to a non-nursing person, who doesn’t stretch shirts out as much. Anyway, it’s made of a lightweight knit fabric.
Besides being stretched out, though, the part near the stomach got several small holes in it:
But I liked the fun pattern and soft fabric, and have been inspired by refashions like this and remaking this dress pattern, so I used the basic idea of this dress and made a dress for The Peanut:
The front of the dress is the back of the shirt (which, lacking a V-neck, had more material—and no holes). I made it as long as the fabric allowed and shirred the bodice part. The back of the dress is actually made from the two sleeves, seamed down the middle of the back and then shirred as well. I had the front of the shirt left (minus the section with the holes), so I made the ruffle for the bottom (and to add length), and also made the straps.
Here it is in a rare moment of my model cooperating:

And one of her favorite things is how springy it is when she jumps: